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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

23-07-2024 Bong & His Seventh Post in 2024 - First time renting a 4-wheel drive

The entire Venetian Castle of Bohali was actually
very very big...
We spent more than an hour
walking around there,
looking at the historical outbuildings,
exploring the interesting nature, etc...
we walked down the hill,
but this time another road to come to the city center.
Instead of using the main road,
we chose to walk through residential areas...
which were very very pretty and cosy! 
By using almost the same amount of time,
we already reached the coast.
We were amazed with
the cleanliness of the water,
even though this beach is located right beside the harbour!
One could stay in the city center,
and choose to visit either a more public
or private beach for swimming and sunbathing. 
As we continuously marveled at the city's beauty, 
we suddenly stumbled upon this amazing building,
Metropolitan Church of Agios Nikolaos,
which is a Greek Orthodox church. 
After visiting the church,
we came to this little square,
and then we chose to walk on this
street that looked like main street,
21st Maiou 5.
We found this amazing
The TZANTE cafe,
and had some snacks + break here!
After spending almost 6 hours in the city,
we returned to the bus station
and took a bus home. 
Day 7:
Walking in the neighbourhood again....
For our early dinner,
we had it at a nearby restaurant named Avanti.
**The owner was loud and very nagging**
But we gave it a try....
We tried out beef stamnas (beef stew)
and swordfish...
And I must say,
the food there was actually very good!!!
we got dessert on the house again!
After the dinner,
we took a sunset walk.
we could actually find quite a lot of garbage
around the area...
Day 8:
After eating a very local breakfast,
(We always enjoy buying local stuffs at local shops to try out,
ven though we may not understand or know what they were),
we headed to the vehicle rental shop
to pick up the 4-wheel drive we had arranged to rent!
After getting a crash course,
Arne was ready to start driving a 4-wheel drive in a foreign country,
for the very first time!
wait a second!!!
We needed to fill fuel first!!!
First stop - Church of Santa Marina,
but actually it is more like just a bell tower.
We spent 5 minutes there
for photo taking
and a small break...
Then we were on the road again,
driving through
olive farms,
and many other more....
Second stop:
Viewpoint Lithakias!!
Another 10 minutes with break,
then we were back on the road again!
From cosy small roads surrounded by olive farms,
to zigzag roads that I personally thought it was a bit scary,
we enjoyed the ride
and the scenery!!!
After a lot of zig and zag,
we finally reached Plakaki Viewpoint!

To be continued....


  1. Thank you so much Bong for sharing your detailed holiday report. Now I feel like I've been to fabulous Greece myself this summer. Have more beautiful days.
    🌴 Best regards Leo
