Welcome back again to Sexymama's blog~
a place where you find all the juicy stuffs about Mama~
Lol, joking!
I guess firstly,
I need to tell all my beloved readers...
what is PIPE.
PIPE is actually

and secondly,
what is the purpose of me blogging about it?
I and most of my friends in university are sponsored by PETRONAS.
very soon from now,
they might be called for report duty
and they have to attend PIPE upon reporting duty~
Some of them have been asking me questions about it...
so, here are some information that I would like to share it out!
It is a quad sharing room
and this is how it looks like
from left,

to right

There is also free wifi in the room.
So, you can bring your laptop if you want to.
For the first week,
mainly what we did was sharing, discussions and presentations.

Giant word puzzle~


Putri, the roti aunty
and a bunch of guys who were chit-chatting at Mamak stall!

A family's trip in Proton car!

Tower building

Last but not least,
my team!

At first I wanted to name myself
"Blushing Bong"
since I am always shy right?
but my teammates named me Bouncy
which is..not bad too!
That's all for Week 1/Part 1..
More interesting stuffs are coming in week 2/part2
Therefore, stay tuned! Lol